Saturday, August 30, 2008

By Negotiating With Your Creditors, They Ll Also Drastically Lower Your Interest Rates And Monthly Payments

Category: Finance, Credit.

The burden of debt is becoming more and more common in the United States than ever before, and many people simply can t find a way out. Thankfully, bill consolidation is a solution that is available from many companies, and is becoming popular with people trying to conquer their financial troubles.

The reason for this is that credit cards provide a stream of money that is so convenient, yet extremely damaging at the same time if used improperly. Some people would say we simply have to get rid of credit cards, as they are obviously the biggest contributors to the epidemic of being in debt. but the truth is, some people simply can t pay all of their expenses with cold, hard cash. Either way, with the high costs of mortgages, student loans, car payments, and other costs, credit cards are here to stay. But others may spend excessively on things they don t need, while putting themselves further and further into debt. Eventually, your debts may add up to catastrophic amounts until you simply can t make the minimum payments anymore. Also add into the equation the fact that your interest rates could also be drastically increasing. It can become difficult to even remember when each payment is due.

Bill consolidation provides a very convenient solution to this financial nightmare. They ll combine everything into one convenient payment, and even deal with all of the annoying creditor calls! With a bill consolidation company that effectively does its job, you ll no longer have to worry about multiple payments at all. By negotiating with your creditors, they ll also drastically lower your interest rates and monthly payments. The goal is to get you entirely financially free in the shortest amount of time possible. They will be your representative and sit down with the respective lenders in order to get the lowest rates possible.

Also provided by the bill consolidation company is a manageable payment plan. You will then be on your way to conquering your debt and achieving financial freedom. It will lay out exactly how much you need to pay per month, and create a simple budget that you can apply to your daily expenditures.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Debt Consolidation Loans Have Become Very Popular Over The Last Number Of Years

Category: Finance, Credit.

Debt consolidation loans have become very popular over the last number of years. The interest on these can leave it very difficult for individuals to meet their monthly payments.

Many people have found themselves in financial difficulties in recent years with high interest credit cards and store cards. Things can start to get out of control as people find they cannot meet even the minimum payments on their cards and so they face extra penalties. This gives people better control over their finances and they can go form having a lot of high interest bills to pay to having one smaller bill to pay every month, and because you can spread you debt consolidation loan over 25 years means the monthly payment can be half or even quarter what you use to pay. The reason a lot of people choose to consolidate their debt is because they can use the loan to pay off all their existing bills and replace it with one smaller payment. It must be noted however that the longer you spread the payments over the more you will end up paying in the long term. If people use them properly then they can be a very helpful financial product and help to repair bad credit. This is the reason debt consolidation loans have received some bad press, but you have to remember that these loans can save you from financial ruin and in some cases bankruptcy.

It is easier for people to budget every month when they have only one fixed payment instead of having six or seven different payments. One important thing to remember about debt consolidation loans is that you should treat them as a second chance. Also if you pay the amount on time every month this will help give you a better credit rating. It can be easy to find yourself in debt and suddenly you find it hard to make all your payments. So you will be in financial difficulty and have no way out. So by consolidating your debt you give your finances a second chance so it s important not to get back in financial trouble again because you might not have enough equity left in your properties to get another loan.

It is very important not to fall into this trap. The main reason this type of borrowing has become so popular over the last few years is that house prices have risen so sharply throughout the UK. A debt consolidation loan is usually a secured loan where the lender will use the equity in your property as security which usually means you will get a lower APR than an unsecured loan. A lot of people in the UK have taken advantage of this fact and taken out a loan to consolidate all their bills. It will probably mean you will pay a higher interest rate because of your bad credit history but at least you will be able to begin repairing this with your loan. If you have bad credit you can still apply for this type of loan as the value of you property will be taken into account. When considering a debt consolidation loan one should always go to a company that has a large variety of lenders.

However, if you go to a site than gets your full details and then compares the whole of the market then you will get the best deals. If you go to one individual lender or bank they can only offer a product from their limited selection. So not only will you drastically reduce your monthly bills but you will also be getting a great deal. If any of the information is incorrect it can alter the offer that the lending company give you later in the loan process. One final point to remember is to always give your proper details when filling out an application form as these speeds up the loan process and also means that the lender or broker can give you an accurate quote.


So, It Is Possible To Apply Online For A Credit Card - Finance and Credit Articles:

With the fast pace of our everyday lives, we don t have time for anything really.

Simply Have Credit Cards - Gwendolyn Fortier's Finance and Credit blog:

Credit scores are based on several different aspects of a person s ability to handle credit. First and Foremost, Pay on Time.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Your Attitude Affects Many Of Your Personal Qualities

Category: Finance, Credit.

When examining the lives of people who have achieved outstanding results in some way, I have observed certain qualities that have enabled them to attain their goals and aspiration. I have found that the" attitude" of an individual play an extremely strong role in the successes achieved during their lifetime.

I am amazed when learning about the lives of ordinary people who have accomplished extraordinary feats. These individuals have not lived their lives without its ups and downs. It is how we react and respond to these events that makes the difference. They have suffered disappointment, personal losses, defeat, and have dealt with similar discouragements that confront us all. Some of the most difficult experiences we endure are the ones that teach us the greatest life lessons. Where this would be the undoing of one individual, another person will learn and grow from the experience. Take the example of losing a business and have to declare bankruptcy.

Your attitude affects many of your personal qualities. Conversely, a negative attitude diminishes these personal attributes. An enthusiastic attitude increases your level of commitment, determination, discipline, and desire. A good example we can relate to is the price of gasoline. We have spent days at home working on projects, making and wrapping Christmas presents, selling items on ebay, playing games and having friends over. My family has made it a game in seeing what we can accomplish after we filled our cars with gas 20 days ago and are trying to see how long it will last. It is completely within your power to condition yourself to be more positive and enthusiastic.

The defining characteristic of pessimists is that they tend to believe bad events will last a long time and undermine everything they do. If you have heavy debt, make that debt your challenge, your opponent that, the monster you are going to win and inch by inch you set out to slaughter him! Optimists tend to focus on and plan for the problem at hand. They just do not give up easily, they are also known for their patience. Optimists preserve. Inching their way a step closer to that goal or elusive dream.

By learning to be an optimist it will improve your personal and financial situation. They see opportunities instead of obstacles. Use humor as much as possible( my very favorite! ), identify role models, have a" can- do- approach" , take time to respond to events, surround yourself with enthusiastic people and if your harbor negative feelings, find a way to let them go.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Why Is My Credit Score So Important

Category: Finance, Credit.

Faqs On Bankruptcy Part2.

Once- delinquent, past- due accounts still show up as severe negatives even if they have subsequently been paid off. Unfortunately the answer is no. It s important to note that credit reports don t just show your current credit situation, but they also show what your credit situation has been in the past. Do negative items remain listed for at least 7 years? Therefore, collection activity or, past delinquency a charged off listing does a great deal of damage to the credit score even if it was paid off. The law states that negative listings can appear on your credit report for no longer than seven years. Why is my credit score so important?

In addition, the credit grantor or the credit bureau itself can choose to delete the negative credit listing as they see fit. An individual s FICO credit score is an extremely important number which is often overlooked and ignored by many consumers. While a FICO credit score is mostly influenced by an individual s credit and payment history, there are other factors that could negatively impact the credit score. A low FICO score will cost you thousands of dollars in extra interest when purchasing a home or buying a car. In many instances a person s FICO score is lower than it should be because of incorrect entries and identity theft.


Is Credit Card Processing Easy - Finance and Credit Articles:

Is Credit Card Processing easy? Around each and every business unit, ranging from a small restaurant to a supermarket accepts payments through credit cards.

You Have A Huge Variety Of Subscription Based Websites Available - Monique Turner about Finance and Credit:

Subscription based websites consists of a public area used for the promotion of benefits related to becoming a subscriber, and a password protected area so that the members can access the best content.

This Is One Method Of Credit Card Debt Negotiation - Finance and Credit Blog:

By admitting that you have failed and deciding to look for solutions to your debts, you are already halfway to your goal towards getting relief and living a debt- free life. Credit card debt negotiation starts when you decide to find means like consolidating your debts into one or two credit cards, or when you apply for a loan from a bank or financial institution to help you get back on your feet.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

However, Tackling Difficult Debtors Are An Entirely Different Matter

Category: Finance, Credit.

Businesses both big and small had risen and fallen because of difficult debtors.

Collection agencies are businesses hired to pursue debt collecting. Bad debts are an eternal source of pain for businesses, and are best left into the hands of the experts- the collection agencies. They are adept at tracking debtors and making sure they pay the amount they owe. However, tackling difficult debtors are an entirely different matter. Of course, there are different types of debtors to consider- each type has different means of persuasion, though the methods remain the same. It is easy to know the difficult debtor- he is the one with the most excuse.

He will craft any excuses he can, and sometimes he will adamantly say that he does not owe anything. He will blame everything from his computer to his boss to his present financial situation. Make sure you are talking to the debtor- don t let the debtor give you the runaround. Adopt a cool, professional attitude. As a professional, practice patience- and have an attitude. You have a contract, you deliver the goods, money must be returned and you have a right to expect payment. Never yell, never raise your voice, and never swear.

You re a professional- never allow things to become personal. Never ever threaten. Do not let the debtor sidetrack you with his various excuses and personal stories- remember that your purpose is to collect money or get a commitment and nothing more. Control the conversation- keep it focused on the business at hand. Ask questions. When difficult debtors lie about their reason for not paying, it is always coupled with a hope that you will accept their words at face value and drop the subject.

The more you ask, the faster you get to the truth of the matter. The more you ask of them, the more uncomfortable they become. When last demand letter went unnoticed, or when the debtor proved to be more difficult, you can impact his credit standing by reporting his account to major credit bureaus. After being subjected to incessant interrogations, sending the collection agent or the creditor a check becomes much, much more appealing than answering all the questions and cooking up one excuse after another. Most of the time, just a warning of reporting the debtor would suffice- sometimes, the debtor is just stubborn. He must clear his debt first. Reporting a debtor s delinquent account will most likely affect his credit in a negative manner for up to 7 years, limiting his ability to obtain credit in the future.

When this too, the only recourse, had failed is litigation. Go through the whole proceedings until the debtor learns to keep his promise, and pays. Follow through with your complaint- when you say that you will file a lawsuit, do it- else credibility is lost and the debtor will realize that all your collection efforts were merely empty threats.


Credit Card Is A Usual Tool For Shopping And In General, Most Financial Transactions The World Over - Finance and Credit Articles:

Credit card is a usual tool for shopping and in general, most financial transactions the world over. This refers to the balances on your account.

Many People Like You With Bad Credit History Are Seeking For A Bad Credit Debt Consolidation Loan - Wilda Shunk's Finance and Credit blog:

Many people like you with bad credit history are seeking for a bad credit debt consolidation loan. There are many options available online for people craving to consolidate their credit card or other debt.

Maybe The Current Credit Card Issuer You Are With Is Not Pleasing You - Lenore Rumley's Finance and Credit blog:

The only bad things about credit cards is that they mean debt and they cost you money. But if you qualify you can pay a lot less than you may be paying right now.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Late Payment Charges- Should Your Credit Card Payments Be Later Than Expected Then As Well As The Interest Still Being Due You Will Have To Incur A Late Payment Fee

Category: Finance, Credit.

When it comes to getting equipped with a credit card, many people are aware of the advantages and disadvantages, but few are aware of how to ensure that they are getting the best deal through being careful about the credit card provider they use, and ensuring they have read the terms and conditions, and are therefore aware of all the cost centers that will affect them during their contract.

Keep in mind that different credit card providers will charge in different ways, and being away of the ways you are charged means you get the best deal, and can budget for these expenses. Watch out for: Annual Fees- Not all credit card providers will charge an annual fee, but by the same token not all those who do charge an annual fee will necessarily be the least cost- effective. Late Payment Charges- Should your credit card payments be later than expected then as well as the interest still being due you will have to incur a late payment fee. Late charges should be a consideration when costing a credit card. This is justified by the credit card providers through the consideration that it could cause cash flow problems, and may mean that their financial planning could be off- set or not as projected. A great way to avoid this is to set up a direct debit so your payment is taken directly out of your bank account.

You should be aware of what these charges are before you enter into a contract with a credit card provider. Exceeding Your Limit- When you exceed your credit limit the likelihood is that you will be charged, unless you make prior arrangements with your credit card provider. To avoid these costs, many choose to take out another credit card to finance clearing the limit, whilst others may look towards short- term solutions like an overdraft or long- term solutions like a bank loan. Avoid: Small Companies- Avoiding small companies can ensure that you do not come across problems that would not face well- known, reputable house- hold names. Please be careful not to spend money on a credit card unless you can afford it. Should a company be a public limited company/ listed company or be owned by such then the inherent risk of unfair contract terms and a shift away from best- practice are significantly reduced by PR factors and media pressures/ influences.

If you are not in total control of your finances and ultimately earn less than you make then please avoid these at all costs. High APR/ 0% initial APR- Choosing to contract with a credit card company that offers a great introduction rate and a higher rate in the long term is relying on your lack of financial control to make money.


The Merchant Involved May, As A Result Of The Dispute, Incur Credit Card Chargebacks - Finance and Credit Blog:

A credit card dispute on transactions made, offers consumers three protections: protection against unauthorized use, and the right, billing error procedures to withhold payment. Keep in mind that at the end of the investigation, these protections may still result in a finding that you are liable to pay for the disputed transaction.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Bankruptcy Can Be Emotional And Embarrassing

Category: Finance, Credit.

Bankruptcy can be emotional and embarrassing. The main thing is to promise yourself to learn from the experience, and try to change your life so that you don t end up back in the same situation again.

You may have a hard time looking your children in the eye, and feel that you have let everyone including yourself down. If you are a low income family, and have little or no actual assets you will probably want to simply file for a chapter 7 bankruptcy and discharge of debts. The remaining debt is discharged, and creditors are no longer allowed to pursue it but must write it off. This requires that your estate be liquidated, and as much funds as possible divided up among your creditors. Liens on your house and/ or vehicle should be examined to see if they are exempt from this process, and if not you will need to consider whether you should have them excluded from your chapter 7 bankruptcy filing. If you have good employment, but have had a tragedy including overwhelming medical bills or some other type of devastating but temporary setback, you may wish to consider a chapter 13 bankruptcy filing.

A house that is mortgaged for more than it is worth and has payments too high for you to realistically afford may have to be relinquished. This type requires a trustee to oversee your finances and work out a re- payment to submit to a judge for approval. Both you and your creditors will be expected to abide by the terms of the agreement. Normally, the chapter 13 bankruptcy repayment plan will call for a set dollar amount to be paid regularly for a specific amount of time, and the remaining balance will be discharged. This ensures that you can continue to live normally, but gives you the chance to catch up on bills and regain your stability. Many people think that this will be impossible, but there are many lenders willing to give second chances in return for your business, and in an odd way the bankruptcy confirms one thing- at least you aren t a risk for filing bankruptcy as you will be disallowed from filing again for several years.

A word on refinancing a home after a bankruptcy. In fact, people who file bankruptcy often see their credit score bump up a little almost immediately. The main thing to take away from a bankruptcy is self forgiveness and the determination to change your life and avoid having to ever take such action again. Strange as it seems, many lenders view filing for bankruptcy as a sign that you are trying to turn your life around, and by bearing that out over a course of a year or two you will probably be viewed as an average loan applicant rather than a high risk one. Learn from your mistakes, instill better financial practices in yourself and your family, and put the bankruptcy behind you. Move forward, and make sensible money decisions and financial choices a part of your everyday life!


Some Prepaid Card Charge An Annual Fee For Ownership - Bridgett Marron's Finance and Credit blog:

The All Access� Prepaid Visa� Card gives you the simplicity and the convenience you need to manage your finances. With all its good features there are certain fees to be paid when you own and use this excellent prepaid card.

Maybe The Current Credit Card Issuer You Are With Is Not Pleasing You - Finance and Credit Articles:

The only bad things about credit cards is that they mean debt and they cost you money. But if you qualify you can pay a lot less than you may be paying right now.

Another Easy Way To Help Protect From Fraud Is To Always Keep Your Credit Card With You - Faith Viles about Finance and Credit:

Along with increased technological advances it seems there are increased ways for the criminal element of society to find ways to take advantage of it for nefarious purposes. Make sure that you investigate the card you choose carefully and get one that offers exceptional security.