Thursday, August 28, 2008

Your Attitude Affects Many Of Your Personal Qualities

Category: Finance, Credit.

When examining the lives of people who have achieved outstanding results in some way, I have observed certain qualities that have enabled them to attain their goals and aspiration. I have found that the" attitude" of an individual play an extremely strong role in the successes achieved during their lifetime.

I am amazed when learning about the lives of ordinary people who have accomplished extraordinary feats. These individuals have not lived their lives without its ups and downs. It is how we react and respond to these events that makes the difference. They have suffered disappointment, personal losses, defeat, and have dealt with similar discouragements that confront us all. Some of the most difficult experiences we endure are the ones that teach us the greatest life lessons. Where this would be the undoing of one individual, another person will learn and grow from the experience. Take the example of losing a business and have to declare bankruptcy.

Your attitude affects many of your personal qualities. Conversely, a negative attitude diminishes these personal attributes. An enthusiastic attitude increases your level of commitment, determination, discipline, and desire. A good example we can relate to is the price of gasoline. We have spent days at home working on projects, making and wrapping Christmas presents, selling items on ebay, playing games and having friends over. My family has made it a game in seeing what we can accomplish after we filled our cars with gas 20 days ago and are trying to see how long it will last. It is completely within your power to condition yourself to be more positive and enthusiastic.

The defining characteristic of pessimists is that they tend to believe bad events will last a long time and undermine everything they do. If you have heavy debt, make that debt your challenge, your opponent that, the monster you are going to win and inch by inch you set out to slaughter him! Optimists tend to focus on and plan for the problem at hand. They just do not give up easily, they are also known for their patience. Optimists preserve. Inching their way a step closer to that goal or elusive dream.

By learning to be an optimist it will improve your personal and financial situation. They see opportunities instead of obstacles. Use humor as much as possible( my very favorite! ), identify role models, have a" can- do- approach" , take time to respond to events, surround yourself with enthusiastic people and if your harbor negative feelings, find a way to let them go.

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